Milk Steaming Pitcher-BaristaSpace Sandy Copper Jug

  • $46.99
  • Save $10

Copper Espresso Coffee Milk steaming Jugs

Capacity: 20 Oz (600 ml) / 12Oz (350ml)

Material: Stainless Steel 304

Surface Mark: Sandy Titanium Copper 

Design: Same as BaristaSpace1.0

Do you wanna buy a classic frothing pitcher?

This milk pitcher both great quality and Fashional Looking and deliver quickly.
you will especially happy with the sharp pitcher spout.

The milk jug will makes creating contrast and fine lines easier.

This is exactly what you wanted. It have perfect sizes. The ounces range from 12 oz to 20 oz , goodfor coffee cup.

Copper latte art milk pitcher

Exterior is highly water transfering printing while the interior is a brushed stainless steel look. This was shipped in it's own box to protect the milk pitcher within 6-8 days if you choose DHL way.  See the jugs so high-class and you will can't wait to use this!

This milk jug is Nice high quality stainless steel 304 and the Spout good for latte art. Very nice to steam milk for a couple single lattes, Really Cool For Home baristas.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Mayuko Smith (Holywood, GB)

Beautiful color and finish. Good handle to grip, I can enjoy latte art :)

JOE’s Beans (Central, HK)
Love BaristaSpace


Aj takto to vyzeralo na poslednom Latte Art kurze! 😉
Títo dvaja šikovní baristi sa rozhodli zlepšiť si svoje zručnosti.
Na začiatku sme vylepšili techniku penenia mlieka a následne trénovali techniku lietia a tvorbe dokonalého srdiečka. ❤️
Ďalej sme trénovali komplikovanejšie tvary a cibrili ich prostredníctvom malej súťaže. Vyskúšali sme si tiež techniku dokresľovania a potrápili nás aj rastlinné mlieka. 😅
Bol to naozaj nabitý deň!

hamad lotheen (Doha, QA)

Milk Steaming Pitcher-BaristaSpace Sandy Copper Jug

Edyta Fornalik (Central, HK)
Love BaristaSpace pitcher

How to make rosetta ☕
Małe przygotowania przed @proinfuzja


Esther Trinkle (Redwood Park, AU)

Latte art on another level with this amazing jug!! It creates a defined line - pouring is simply a dream!

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